
How popular is the name Deiniol?

As of 2013, the Deiniol name wasn’t found in the top 100 most popular baby boy names in Wales according to the Office for National Statistics.


The Meaning of Deiniol is “Good is my judge”. It’s the Welsh form of Daniel. The name has a Hebrew origin as it comes from the prophet turned writer of the book of Daniel. The Welsh roots of the name are attractive or charming.

How to Pronounce Deiniol

Deiniol  can be pronounced as “die-knee-ee-ol”.

Famous People and Places with the Name Deiniol

There have been at least two famous people with the name Deiniol over the years, and at least one shopping centre with the name Deinol. Saint Deiniol was the first Bishop of Bangor in the Kingdom of Gwynedd, Wales. The Saint was the first known person to use the name in Wales. Deiniol William Thomas Graham is a former Welsh football player turned manager. North Wales has Deiniol Shopping Centre with about 20 shops.

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