
The Meaning of The Name Elwyn

The name Elwyn is a great name that was popular in earlier times and is a form of the name Alwyn.

The meaning of Elwyn is white, fair, blessed, or holy. This is a great name that can really be lived up to in the life span of a boy.

Popularity of Elwyn

Elwyn was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names in Wales during 2013. However, Elwyn was a name that was quite popular in the 20s and 30s in America.

Famous People with the Name

There are some famous individuals with the name Elwyn. Elwyn Berlekamp is one of the most famous Elwyns in the world. His contributions to mathematics gave him the ability to reach many new conclusions in the world. Perhaps in your name your child Elwyn they will also be blessed with the similar intelligence in their life. This is a great name that any child would fit very well. This is a great choice for a baby name for anyone around the world.

Not many people know but the Welsh international rugby player Martyn Williams has the middle name Elwyn.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and origin of other Welsh male names.

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