
Welsh Boy’s Name Rhodri

Rhodri is a charming Welsh male’s name.  On this page you find information on the meaning and origin and popularity of this Welsh name.

Meaning of the Name

The name Rhodri is made up of the 2 Welsh words ‘rhod’ meaning circle and ‘rhi’ meaning ruler.


Rhodri is a popular name however this name is not currently in the top 100 baby boy’s names in Wales at (data from 2012 ONS figures). You’ll still find many people called Rhodri in the communities around Wales.

Famous People

Here is a brief list of people who are in the public eye history called Rhodri:

  • Rhodri Morgan – A Labour Politian who was the First Minister for the Welsh Government.
  • Rhodri Owen – Is a Welsh television and radio presenter

Useful Resources

Mindful Revision GIF

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